Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Considered to be a box-office and critical flop, and also not well received by majority of fans, however after a 10+ year in the development stages, Green Lantern (2011) was what we were given. Critics and fans alike knocked the movie for both the acting and the plot. And of course there was the "mask" complaints. Regardless of all, this will be a Positive Review if you will for Ryan Reynolds and company in Green Lantern (2011). Some positive points more or less. Something that shouldn't be too difficult for the Non-Geeky Nerd, for I actually enjoyed the movie and felt if anything, it was a good start to what could've been a better, much larger story. It is also responsible for "Green Lantern" and "Red Lanterns" being added to my monthly comic book list.

Ryan Reynolds
If you were able to drag your significant other to this movie, she's either a fangirl and your lucky, or chances are they tagged along to see Mr. Reynolds who happened to be playing the part of Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Sector 2814. I can understand why most wanted another Canadian in Nathan Fillion, but Reynolds was also suited for the role, perhaps a different story or time would've made things work for everyone. And because he didn't absolutely fail in the role, I would be on board for him to be a part of the Batman Vs Superman (2015) world being built.

Mark Strong as Thaal Sinestro
Mark Strong delivered in his rendition of Sinestro. From the look to the demeanor to even the tone of voice one would expect to hear while reading a comic book. It would be safe to assume that he would have delivered and then some if there had been a sequel. With the post-credit sequence (SPOILER ALERT) show him slipping on the Yellow ring, we knew the villain we love in print was joining the dark side, and if character choices in his career show, Strong is very comfortable in the role of the Villain. (see Kick-Ass (2010), Sherlock Holmes (2009), etc)

Michael Clark Duncan as Kilowog
Although it was only the late actors voice, it worked very well with the CGI form of the character Kilowog. That's a positive, poozers!

Planet Oa
Even if your not a fan of the color 'green', it is hard to admire the CGI work done to bring the home/base of the Green Lantern Corps to the big-screen. From the massive GL Corps symbol, to the Guardians Citidal (missing Krona's spot).

These are a very good reason why it was a good idea to wait until present day to even do the movie. Could you imagine what constructs and the process would look like pre-CGI? Or even in the early years? Brick walls, chainsaws, fighter jets and I apologize for not knowing the proper name, but a huge, fully jacked weapon of assk-kickery type gun (see pic). Breathtaking.

Temuera Morrison as Abin Sur
Visually this character was great. One of the best humanoid style aliens I've seen in awhile. I guess most of the credit for this positive note, is the CGI and/or make-up crew. Haven't really read enough (other than Hal's basic origin) to give an opinion on the voice work.

Blake Lively as Carol Ferris
Like Sinestro, a character I would have liked to see in follow-up movies, the reasons however are different. A typical male Lively fan, I was hoping to see her as a member of the Star Sapphires. If you aren't a fan of hers, just remember that there would've been other members of that Corps to pick from aha

Well, that is another entry in the Positive Reviews log, something fans forget to do with the comic book movies. Yes, demand top quality, but remember it still wasn't that long ago we were severely limited on selection let alone high quality stories, stars and budgets.

Stay Nerdy!

CHILL!!!!!! TOP 5 GOOD THINGS ABOUT..."Batman & Robin(1997)"

I honestly try to be positive, key word is try. It's hard at times, but I am sure it is just as hard to make a good movie. We live in a world where people are chomping at the bit to be negative about something before giving it a shot (ie. Batfleck), and then, even when the negativity is almost justified, that is all it becomes, negative.

So, here is an attempt to pick out positive things from movies that were considered failures. Shouldn't be too hard, as most of the movies I plan on covering I actually like (stay tuned for "Green Lantern (2011)").

Batman & Robin (1997)

5) Mr. Freeze's Suit/Armor
Visually it looked pretty badass. Perhaps a touch bulky, but then again that may have been a result of who was wearing it. Which was a result of many other problems, but this suit/armor deserves credit. Props to the costume department on this one (and only this one aha).

4) George Clooney
We almost all agree he made/makes a perfect Bruce Wayne. His attempt at Batman? Well, what if it was a different time? Different Director? Different Script? No Nipples? I think there would be praise for Clooney. And, for his Bruce Wayne, he makes the list.

3) Nightwi...er..Robin's Costume
Nipples aside, the intial costume was spot on, and visually great. Although still playing Robin, it gave a taste of Grayson's future persona, Nightwing. Sans cape of course.

2) Alfred
The late Michael Gough was really the cornerstone of this franchise. Along with Commissioner Gordon, were the only characters to appear in all 4 installments. Unlike Gordon though, Alfred was an intricate part of the stories, or at least revelant, and although the story was weak in "Batman & Robin", Gough made it work.

1) Batman Begins
Hey, if this movie didn't suck so bad, Hollywood wouldn't have known that it was time for a change. Stories and Direction come first. Without it, it doesn't matter who's starring, high failure rate. That change came in form of Batman Begins, and the trilogy it was apart of. And to steal a quote, "For That, We Thank You!".

Stay Nerdy!